I like all aspects of beads and beadwork. I have been working most with gemstones and wirewrapping lately, but have worked with seed beads and many other mediums in most techniques, from looming to peyote stitch and everything in between.
Other than beading, I am interested in reading, antiques, cooking, wine, travel, photography, painting in oils, working with colored pencils, knitting, and other forms of self-expression.
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Sabrina Koebel
Thank you for the birthday wishes Christine!!!
Feb 4
Petra Akkermans
Thank you so much for the nice reactions to my jewelry. You make lovely things as well.
Sabrina Koebel
Thank you for the birthday wishes Christine!!!
Feb 4
Petra Akkermans
Thank you so much for the nice reactions to my jewelry. You make lovely things as well.
on Friday
Dori Benner
on Saturday